JAMBI - Again Automotive Motor Modification club Jambi (AM2J) kicked off the world-mannered City modifications. After 'playing' with takometer, this time successfully Rasidin D Havis reconcile miliknya.Pada motor kaburator on top of the machine, Havis install on 8 kaburator RX King on the left and the other 8 kaburator on the right. While in the middle of it, he put the tube and kijang.Bukan car kaburator alone, at the head of the motor, Havis still wearing 3 pieces takometer. "The head of a 3 takometer," jelasnya.Meski other parts come dimodif, Havis seems unable to escape the 'shadow' AM2J characteristics. 'Playing' with takometer. "I managed by the Chairman," he called Faiz.Motor Jupiter Z Havis result of this modification, it won the championship 2, Series Yamaha class in the event last week. According Havis, victory was still considering diragukannya he put into the wrong class. "One of the jurors to put my own in the classroom is not air brush," he said singkat.Dan indeed, Havis's motor is also used air brush painting techniques.
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